Chap 6! Getting closer to "Sea"!
The 3-Tarus walked in crying...
Cry Babies ;p
We fought 3 "UFO"s (that's the way we term it), and they had very powerful "knock-back effect".
ONE TO BE FEAREDThis BC is terrible hard, in Peach's opinion. We have to clear 3 battles in 45mins (including cutscenes time, except for the last wining cutscene).
The airship view :
1st Battle - 5 Mammets
This battle was relatively easy as these Mammets were quite weak. The PLD will run in to aggro all the 5 mamments, and the rangers will pull the mamments one by one. Except for times where the BLM mamments casted -ga magic, this battle was a breeze.
2nd Battle - Omega
This battle is terrible! Omega has all sorts of AOE attack, numerous status attack. It went crazy at low health. And the Hate reset move (similar to Tonberry's move) is just so evil.
We failed at this stage for the first run. We managed to win Omega on our second run, with 2-3 death. We had to spend 5 mins for the weakness to pass before we can proceed to Ultima (which may be the reason that we lost run 2 due to time out). The 3rd time we tried, we clear this boss without any death! Peach thinks that beside good defense required from the PLD, hate control from the other damage dealers are also very important. In addition, Peach kept casting Haste on the PLD, which peach thinks that it helped the tanker pretty much.
3rd Battle - Ultima
This boss hit hard, Peach would caution all. Peach had to heal and heal the tank, as one hit from this monster could bring the tanker to yellow hp. It was a very stressful fight, due to the amount of healing and status heal needed.
The E-Attack which Ulitma spammed near to it's death was a terrible AOE and could instantly kill Peach (Taru)! It's single attack was also very strong, which killed most of the members.
For the success run, all of the members were lying on the deck and Ultima was left with 5% or less HP. Peach reraised but was discovered by the evil Ultima before Peach can run to the back of the ship.
Iio and Kai reraised and fired their Barrage and Eagle Eye Shot. Behold! Iio managed to finish him off!
And this was our HP when we won the battle :
The Hero Iio... (actually Iio wanted Peach to mention he is a hero in this blog..HAHA!) ops!
We finish Chap 6! Wow! This battle is super expensive! For Peach, about 200k or more were spent on medicine. But it doesn't matter, as long as we win this battle! Yeah!