The Battle Against Shadow Lord!
Today, a few of us tried Mission 5-2 again. We track up the Castle and reached the Throne Room. Hope no Disconnect issues happen this time! We buff ourselves, ate our food and enter to face the Shadow Lord! What an awesome Lord.
We fight our way! Kiting, magic burst, healing members, all of us do our very best for this fight! And, we Won! and an awesome cutscene starts....Rank 6 Here we are!
We fight our way! Kiting, magic burst, healing members, all of us do our very best for this fight! And, we Won! and an awesome cutscene starts....Rank 6 Here we are!
"And so the Shadow Lord was defeated,
thanks to Peachie's selfless courage and sacrifice.
Through the clouds shines a symbol of
newfound hope for the peoples of Vana'diel.
But none should forget that whenever there
is light, there is always shadow."