
In the world of Vanadiel, there stays an adventurer. She runs through this world, getting stronger each day..and here, it documents her adventure...Come join her, in Final Fantasy XI (FFXI), an online gaming community!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


This is my 1st COP mission. Excited!

After spending more than 50K Gil to equip for the capped level 30 mission, we set off with 2 alliances. There's 4 levels to climb to reach the spire. And at each level, a MR need to be hunted and killed in order for a teleport to the next level to be available. The climbing was a breeze as the 2 alliances are led by very experienced players, Iio, Zaan & Ces.

After reaching the Spire, we rest up, review our strategy and enter the battlefield to face the NM. Oh my, it was TALL! It was a close win for us, with my last magic from my Manafont, the NM fell! I wouldn't think what will happen if the magic was resisted. Phew... But thanks for the sacrifice by WHM-Chunz and RNG-Rally. If wouldn't be possible without them, and all members in the party.

Peach was too excited during the battle that screenshots were forgotten. haha! Till the next Promyvion! 2 more to go!


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